Hindi Belt Mission (HBM)
“…And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
Acts 2:47.
Hindi Belt Mission is a project of the St. Thomas Evangelical Church of India to reach the Hindi speaking states of India with the good news of Jesus Christ. It was founded in 1999 by its visionary leader Rev P. T. Chandapilla with a great burden to proclaim the gospel to the unreached. First church was started with six believers who worshiped under a tree at the Chhattisgarh State. Currently there are 74 mission centers with 157 missionaries serving the communities around them. These mission centers are established where there is no other Christian outreach exist.
HBM has a holistic approach to Christian ministry by connecting the Church with the society through the community development programs such as slum schools, literacy programs, de addiction programs, tailoring schools, medical camps etc. Through these programs HBM engage and empower the illiterate and marginalized people around the mission centers.
The Bhoring worship center, one of HBM’s locations, has more than 300 believers and seekers who regularly attend.